The Network

Healthcare Marketing, Business Development and Public Relations Network

The Network was created from the Council’s public relations plan. Our members requested that a group be created to offer relevant educational and networking opportunities to marketing, public relations and business development professionals in the health industry. The group welcomes professionals working internally in healthcare organizations and those working for outside firms trying to gain healthcare business. This group meets regularly and alternates educational and networking programs.

It has also become the function of this task force to help promote initiatives and activities of the Council in order to recruit and maintain an active membership. This group creates and oversees a public affairs strategy for the Council, works with the Council staff to identify potential members and to share information about the programs and projects. It also approves all printed material used for recruiting purposes. They consider industry trends, advantages of membership and note the “vital signs” in maintaining an active, viable membership.

“HealthWatch”: This newsletter is monthly to members. It includes the Council calendar, information about programs and activities, as well as news about the industry, individual members, and Council affiliates.

Media Series: The diversified programs presented at these breakfasts serve as a format to educate and enhance understanding of the health industry among both healthcare and non-healthcare leadership in the region.

Web-site: – This electronic tool highlights Council activities, provides up-to-date information to our members, and promotes the Council and regional health industry.